High Voltage Speedy Delivery Checklist

Delivery truck high voltage products

For high voltage transmission and distribution projects, partnering with reliable procurement specialist is needed to ensure delivery of the parts and components that make up your project. In our last post, we discussed the reasons why the speed of parts delivery is important to different types of industry customers, and this post will provide you with a checklist for determining if your high voltage procurement specialist is designed for speed.

Here are a few things to check for to ensure speedy deliveries:

  1. Well-stocked inventories. This is especially important in an industry where highly specialized and oftentimes very large projects require long lead times…if not already in inventory.
  2. Warehouses. To have a well-stocked inventory you need a warehouse. Hopefully a big one, or several.
  3. Proximity of warehouses to your project. Because closer is generally faster as there are fewer potential obstacles to slow down the delivery.
  4. Expertise in supply chain management. Once a part is located, do they have the partnerships and processes ready to get the part to you wherever you are?
  5. Manufacturer relationships. What if a part is not readily available in a warehouse…how quickly can your procurement partner track one down? How far and how fast can they move on this? Established relationships can go a long way in not only locating parts, but getting them delivered quickly, at a good price.
  6. Industry knowledge. Expertise in understanding the use case, engineering diagrams, construction requirements and the latest available technologies can help get the pieces you need together faster. Ask the provider for testimonials and case studies that are similar to your project.

What other criteria do you look for in a high voltage procurement partner? Tweet us at @DominoHVSupply.

Domino Highvoltage brings expert knowledge of turnkey distribution, coupled with established relationships with suppliers, engineering and construction firms to each of our customers. To find out how Domino Highvoltage can help develop your next high voltage project, call 1-866-887-8617 or contact us to discuss your needs with one of our representatives.

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