Arresters perform an important function within the utility grid, namely they prevent the over electrification or power surge in a component of the network, whether high-voltage, medium-voltage, or low-voltage component. Different types of surge arresters serve different voltage levels and use cases. In this blog post we cover 2 current trends in the market.
- Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV): While it might seem funny to call MOV a trend, since they’ve been around for over 40 years, it can be considered an overarching market trend that these are ever increasingly used for managing the surge of transient power.
- Silicon Rubber Housing: The housing in an arrester is an important component. More traditional housing using organic carbon-based polymer for the housing. There is a trend however to use silicon rubber housing instead. These operate better under harsh environmental conditions and high temperatures, particularly important for high-voltage and remote utility applications. Consult the Dow Corning website, for a comparison of silicon rubber to organic polymer.
Products We Recommend:
UltraSIL Housed VariSTAR Surge Arresters 5 kA and 10 kA Class 1 IEC 60099-4 for MV Systems to 36 kV
The UltraSIL housed surge arrester from Cooper Power Systems incorporates the industry recognized superior polymeric material — silicone rubber. Using Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs) having excellent electrical properties, these arresters provide superior overvoltage protection for MV distribution systems.
UltraSIL Polymer-Housed Evolution Surge Arresters (10 kA)
Engineered to survive the elements and protect system assets, Cooper Power Systems set the standard for design, manufacturing and delivery of polymeric distribution arresters with the UltraSIL polymer-housed arrester family. The UltraSIL polymer-housed Evolution surge arrester incorporates the industry recognized superior polymer-housing material – silicone rubber.
If you have any further questions about arrester manufacturers, and which arresters are right for your job, don’t hesitate to reach out to a Domino High Voltage representative today. You can contact us to discuss all of your utility needs at: 1-866-887-8617.